
How Small Achievements Lead to Big Success

17124378_sPeople dream big all the time. But it’s the people that take action to reach their goals that truly succeed in life. It’s a huge task to take on, but when you break down your journey into simple steps, anything is achievable. Decide on your goal and follow through, it really can be as simple as that.

The Big Picture

It truly doesn’t matter what your goal is, you can achieve it by combining the will to succeed with action. There are many possible excuses and many people that will try to bring you down, it’s just the way life. While these things may not change, your attitude can.

The first thing you need to do is create a personal definition of success. What are you trying to do? What is your ultimate goal?

Remember, the answer can be anything your heart desires. Maybe you want to start a video game development business, or maybe you want to be an Olympic swimmer. Everyone is different, but it’s important to have a well-defined goal. Don’t be afraid to be specific and to list a goal even if you’re lacking the confidence to achieve it.

The Process

After you have your definition of success, it’s time to break it down and make it happen. Success will happen just by completing one small task at a time from your plan.

Let’s say your ultimate goal is to own a video game development business. You currently work at a dead end job and you have little revenue to use towards your goal, so you assume it’ll never happen and you just go about your day. But what if you took just 20 minutes each day and worked toward your goal?

Here are some of the things you might accomplish:

  1.  You can research how much money it would take to start up your business.
  2.  You can learn the ins and outs of the industry by reviewing different courses and training programs.
  3. You can make appointment to meet with banks or companies as potential investors
  4. You can contact independent game developers that may be willing to take on extra work at a reasonable cost.
  5. You can research and formulate marketing tactics.
  6. You can create a 5-year plan.

While the business entails a great deal more than these 6 steps, you get the idea of what it means to break down a huge task into smaller parts. If you don’t break it down, it’ll seem too overwhelming and you won’t even know where to start – so you won’t get started at all!

But when you decide to spend a little time on a small project, like researching marketing tactics and saving some web links, that’s definitely something you can accomplish in an afternoon. And it brings you one step closer to your goal.

Something Is Always Better Than Nothing

You now know that some action is always better than no action towards your goal. It may sound trite, but you’ll never get there if you don’t try. Just think of how far along you might be if you spend 20 minutes a day on your goal for a whole year. That’s a great deal of small, manageable projects!

You owe it to yourself to make your dreams come true, so go get started!

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