
Archive | January, 2015 your dreamsConquer your dreams

I hope you are having a very good start of the year and that motivation is still there to have you create your best year. I recently watch a video series by Darren Harry who is a mentor for top performer, publisher of Success Magazine and author of several books including The Compound Effect, excellent […] am focused on my goals and dreamsI am focused on my goals and dreams

I allow myself to dream big dreams and set goals accordingly. Then I take action to make them happen. When I set a goal, the first thing I do is divide the goal into a series of steps I can take to get me there. Each step is an easily attainable task. I schedule the […] dreams are one of my top prioritiesMy dreams are one of my top priorities

While I have many responsibilities, my dreams are always a top priority. I realize that dreams are what make life worth living. It is easy to get caught up in day-to-day responsibilities, but I always remain aware of my dreams. I regularly schedule time to work on my dreams. I know they require time and […] success is my responsibilityMy success is my responsibility

I know that I hold the key to success in my heart, mind and soul. I embrace my inner drive and determination, and it is this drive that converts my efforts into achievements. I view obstacles as only temporary pauses in obtaining the success I am destined for. When I am confronted with a challenge, […] the year STRONG…Start the year STRONG…

I would like to start by wishing you a very Happy New Year and I truly hope that you are as excited as I am about the fresh start that January offers and to start working on yours goals, projects and dreams. If we commit to doing the very best we can, sticking to our […] is possibleEverything is possible

I know that the universe is vaster than anyone can comprehend. This means that there are more possibilities available to me at any moment than I could ever count. This means that anything is possible for me. I accomplish great things in my life and know I can enjoy even greater achievements. The key is […]