
Archive | September, 2013 Your Personal Set of ValuesDiscovering Your Personal Set of Values

One way to truly know yourself is to get in touch with your own set of values. It’s easy to get distracted by others’ ideals and claim that they’re your own because of certain pressures. However, it’s vital that you have your own set of principles and morals so you can stand firm in your […] Goals Are Closer Than You ThinkYour Goals Are Closer Than You Think

Whether you realize it or not, every day brings you closer to your goals and dreams. You may feel like you have a long way to go, but you’re closer than you think. Avoid giving up or getting discouraged. Keep moving forward. Every setback is a learning experience that brings you closer to your goal. […] to Avoid ProcrastinationHow to Avoid Procrastination

Procrastination is an issue a lot of us deal with (or put off dealing with) for as long as possible. Procrastination usually happens when you’re faced with doing something you don’t like to do, don’t know how to do, or fear. When you procrastinate, it can upset a lot of things in your life. Delaying […]