
Archive | January, 2014 Ways to Enrich Your Life With Failure7 Ways to Enrich Your Life With Failure

Sometimes, the fear of failure makes you hesitant to try new things. Often, the most powerful feelings you’ve experienced are those that come after a perceived failure. The question of, “What if I fail again?” can hinder you in the future. Consider changing your perspective and try seeing failure from the other side. What if […] More Out of Life: 5 Tips to Focus on YouGet More Out of Life: 5 Tips to Focus on You

Do you feel like something is missing in your life? Learning to focus on you, instead of others, may be the key you’ve been seeking! If you find that you’re comparing yourself to others and coming up short, it’s time to stop that destructive habit. Comparisons get you nowhere. Rather than leading to positive improvements, […] It’s Never Too Late to Go After Your DreamsWhy It’s Never Too Late to Go After Your Dreams

What dreams would you pursue if you knew it was impossible for you to fail? If your dreams are possible for others, then you can achieve them too! Your current position in life can be the launching pad to the destiny you’ve always dreamed about. Bigger dreams take longer to achieve. But if you focus […] and Motivation for Attaining Your New Year’s ResolutionDetermination and Motivation for Attaining Your New Year’s Resolution

Anyone can set a New Year’s Resolution but only a small percentage of people actually achieve them. This can boil down to your determination and your motivation to achieve your resolutions. Before setting any type of New Year’s resolution this year you should sit down and really determine what you want to achieve. Look forward […] New Year’s Resolution Goals Worth Setting4 New Year’s Resolution Goals Worth Setting

New Year’s Day is a great time to implement change and personal growth by setting goals that you want to achieve throughout the upcoming year. Some resolutions are well worth setting, because they can contribute greatly toward helping you live the life you desire and they’re attainable without any unrealistic expectations. Try these types of […]