
Consistency is a key to my success

6775953_sThankfully, I enjoy successes in my everyday life. I realize that my behaviors, choices, and emotions play a large role in my being successful.

Although I have many personality characteristics that compel me to do my best and achieve my goals, I find that my consistency is an important key to my success.

Reflecting occasionally on my capacity to be consistent is integral to my accomplishments. In striving to be consistent, I apply logical thinking. I endeavor to be orderly in my efforts. And I put all my energy into what I am doing at the time.

Striving for consistency also gives me persistence. I stick with a task until it is completed to the best of my ability.

Consistency comes with a guarantee: if I continue diligently in focusing on a task, apply organization, and use logical thinking, I succeed. I firmly believe that my success is largely due to my ability to be consistent.

Another positive aspect of consistency is that I set an excellent example to others to be logical, orderly, and focused.

Today, I am pleased when I reflect about how consistency pays off for me in my daily life. I know I can continue to be consistent at home, with friends, and at work. I am successful because I am consistent.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How important is consistency to me?
  2. Would people who know me describe me as a consistent person?
  3. Do I want to improve my level of consistency? If so, how can I do it?
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