
Start the year STRONG…

13043317_sI would like to start by wishing you a very Happy New Year and I truly hope that you are as excited as I am about the fresh start that January offers and to start working on yours goals, projects and dreams.

If we commit to doing the very best we can, sticking to our plan and keep on moving positively in the direction of our goals, we will succeed and we will have a great year.

As you know a great year starts with the right plan, but all too often our enthusiasm and ambition gets the best of us and most of the time we end up making the number one mistake in goal setting which is having too many big goals and dreams to achieve in during the coming year.

Having too many big goals and dreams might get you really frustrated even make you quit on your most important goals.

I was reading an interesting article this morning and it inspired me to share with you these tips to make sure you stick with your goals and dreams in 2015.

It is really simple and that is to have one specific goal for each of the four major categories in life. Not pages, not even one full page of goals but just four specific goals.

Set one goal in each of these four areas: 1) Your health; 2) Your wealth; 3) Your personal self (hobbies and interests); 4) Your social self (friends, family, and community).

You should remember to make sure that each goal is significant to you, that it is something you truly desire and also don’t forget to make it very specific.

To get your results even faster, here are the steps they suggest.

Step 1: Identify the 4 specific goals

Step 2: List the 3 most important action steps that you can take for each goal in the next 21 days.

Step 3: Get an accountability partner. Each day or week you must report on your action steps and your progress to your partner.

It’s that easy. Focus on the 3 Actions you can take for just 4 BIG goals and report on your progress to 1 Partner.

Naturally you will want to break down your goal into smaller goals and actions steps to make your big goal more manageable and to move you closer to the end results.

Don’t try to accomplish 101 things in 2015 because you will lack the focus you need to succeed on what really matters. So take a step back, cut your list down to the most important items, and get ready to have your best year ever.

Remember, your dreams are your responsibility, so if you want different results you must do something different.

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