
Archive | February, 2014 an Extra Hour Each Day in which to Transform Your LifeCreate an Extra Hour Each Day in which to Transform Your Life

You might think that you’re already booked solid, but the truth is that it’s not that difficult to find an hour for yourself by stealing a little bit of time from other activities. Everyone needs a little quiet time because, without it, stress, depression, and anxiety tend to creep into our lives. Creating an extra […] Finding Your Passion Can Improve Your LifeHow Finding Your Passion Can Improve Your Life

Everybody feels passionate about something. Sometimes it takes a while to figure out exactly what that is, but you have big dreams inside of you that are driven by your deepest values and convictions. Discovering this passion will dramatically increase your sense of joy, happiness, and confidence in every area of your life. Work The […] Steps to Make Your Dreams into Reality3 Steps to Make Your Dreams into Reality

Everyone has a dream – many dreams actually – but few believe that they can actually achieve them. Nevertheless, some people achieve their dreams while others live lives of regret. Some are inspired and follow through, while others delay or give up entirely on their dreams in exchange for whatever excuses they comfort themselves with. […] the Life You Desire – Now!Live the Life You Desire – Now!

It seems that everything you’ve ever learned is about preparing yourself for a better future. It’s easy to get so caught up in the future that you lose the ability to enjoy the life you’re living right now. The Power Of The Present The first thing you should do to take action toward a better […]